We are pleased that the Commission

ROCHESTER, N.Y.-The U.S. International Trade Commission issued a mixed verdict Thursday in patent infringement litigation of Eastman Kodak Co senior with manufacturers of iPhone and BlackBerry phones. The decision disappointed investors. The referee of trade dispute in Washington, D.C., said it is essentially agreeing with one of its judges, who threw out claims of pioneer photography. The federal agency has found limited beats by drepatent infringement. He also sent some issues back to the judge for later review and Kodak could still prevail in the remaining credits. Kodak stock fell 16 percent. "This is a Kodak negative because they do not earn," said analyst Shannon cross of Cross research in Livingston, N.J. Although there is a chance that Kodak could prevail in the rest area, she said, "it seems that the odds you want to get a great settlement are much smaller." Chief Executive Antonio Perez hoped that Kodak could draw up to $ 1 billion of their deep pocketed rivals. Kodak held out hope. Kodak is "satisfied that the Commission has decided to modify our favour the initial recommendation of judge," said Laura Quatela, Chief Officer of Kodak's intellectual property. "As we have said from the beginning, we remain highly confident that in this case finally end in favor of Kodak". Apple and RIM did not return calls or e-mails seeking comment. Kodak, a pioneer of photography of 131 yearsmonster beats solo based in Rochester, N.Y., argued that the image preview technology patented in 2001 was raped by a maker iPhone Apple Inc. of Cupertino, California and BlackBerry maker Research in Motion Ltd. of Waterloo, Canada. The Commission has decided to "affirm in part" a decree issued in January by his chief administrative law judge. This decision does not found no patent infringement. The Commission revised the definitions for "movement" and "processor" and asked the judge to decide whether it was Kodak's patent infringement with these changes. The Commission also found that the Apple and RIM infringes on a patent related to "start capturing a still picture during the preview of a motion picture". But the Commission said that Kodak had renounced the right to pursue this claim with flash photos. He asked the judge to decide if Kodak had renounced the rights to non-flash photos too. The Commission decided that Apple and RIM infringing a Kodak patent under the Commission's revised definition monster beats solo hdof "at least three different colors." Do not decide on any penalties. The Commission may request customs to block imports of manufactured products with technology challenged. Monetary settlements frequently result in order to avoid such import bans. A revised decision is expected no earlier than August 30, after the judge rules in backlogs. The decision came after closed the stock market. Kodak stock fell 56 cents to $ 3.02 in aftermarket trade. The dispute focuses on technology that Kodakmonster beats studio designed to extract a still image while viewing on the LCD screen of the camera. In 2009, the Trade Commission ruled that manufacturers of Cellular South Korean Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics infringed the same patent, resulting in 964 million dollars in prizes. The manufacturer of cameras, film, photo kiosks and inkjet printers is struggling to redefine itself as a powerhouse of the 21st century in digital image. Amassed over 1,000 digital imaging patents since the late 1970, and almost all digital cameras today depend on inventions. Licensed digital technology at least 30 companies, including cellphone manufacturers such as Motorola Inc. and Nokia Corp. Its rich variety of inventions for repeated cash infusions mining became an indispensable tactic driven largely by twist digital Kodak's long and painful. Since 2004, Kodak reported only one full yearBeats by dre tour profit ?? in 2007 ?? and anticipates another annual loss this year before crossing back to profitability sometime in 2012. He has cut its work force to 70,000 in 18.800 of 2002. Kodak has a promising array of new companies, but need to explore other sources of revenue before investments in these areas have time to pay. He is expecting four growth businesses ?? inkjet printers of consumer, commercial high-speed presses, inkjet, workflow software and packaging ?? will more than double in size to almost US $ 2 billion in revenues in 2013, representing 25% of all sales. WASHINGTON (Reuters)-shares of Eastman Kodak fell 15 percent on Thursday after a trade Panel confirmed U.S. portions of a verdict unfavourable to the company in a patent fight on digital camera technology in mobile phones. Portions of U.S. International Trade Commission sent the case back to its internal judge for later review. In January, the judge had found that Apple monster beats turbineand Research in Motion has not violated the patented Kodak because it was invalid. The Commission said it was stating in part, reversing in part and remanding in part a previous decision. Chief Executive Antonio Perez of Kodak had suggested earlier that the company could collect $ 1 billion of a favourable decision. Kodak presented its complaint ITC against Apple and RIM in January 2010, arguing the Apple iPhone and Blackberry RIM's camera-enabled infringing a Kodak patent relating to a method for viewing images. He asked the ITC to bar imports of Apple and RIM phones and other wireless devices with digital cameras. Apple Filed a countersuit in ITC, accusing Kodak of violating its patented technology. In an initial decision, Kodak was infringed. ITC's warning on Thursday gave a brief summary of an opinion later. The inner judge had found in January that Kodak's patent was invalid, which means that he could not be violated. The full Commission, in its Declaration, asked the judge to reconsider the invalidity decision, but said it took no position on the issue. On the issue of capturing a still image while viewing an image movement, the ITC said: "we think the Apple iPhone 3 g s and iPhone 4 not literally infringe the claim asserted in their non-flash-photo of operation". But he said the accused products from Apple and RIM violate a part of technology involving color patterns. "We are pleased that the Commission has decided to modify our favour the initial recommendation of judge," said Laura Quatela, General Counsel of Kodak, in a statement sent by e-mail. "As we have said from the beginning, we remain highly confident that in this case finally end in favor of Kodak". Kodak also has related lawsuits pending against the RIM and Apple in federal courts in Texas and New York. The ITC set a date of August 30, 2011, but said that the administrative law judge could extend the date based on the need for more processes. Kodak's shares changed dramatically on the evolution of the case. They rose in March on the ITC would review the decision of the judge. (Reporting by Diane Bartz; Editing by Tim Dobbyn)
Par beats199 le vendredi 01 juillet 2011


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