BOSTON (Reuters) ¨C Google Inc brags that computers that are running the latest operating system Chrome is than traditional PC because the user data is stored in the Internet cloud and minus. Researchers also have independent computer security warning that Chrome PC, computer Web has just been vulnerable to attack, the same hacker has been activated successfully on the Web site and Web browser for years. Matt Johansen, a researcher with WhiteHat
beats by dreSecurity said he identified a defect in an application to take notes, Chrome OS, which he used to control email accounts in Google, he reports it to Google, which was a problem and his award of $ 1000 for the pointer. Johansen said he has since found other applications with a security bug. He told Reuters, "this is just a small" this is not just a development cycle, we can see this becomes a whole new field of malware. Google is betting that Chrome OS PC to Web helps industrial personal computers of the 1970s the old. Adjusting shape challenging entrenched players such as Microsoft Corp, and Apple laptop PC computers corp Chrome first from Samsung earlier this month to reduce prices. Early reviews have been mixed with the hands of those who influence technology, some noting that the concept of
beats graffiti limitedPC connection-Internet-address may be ahead of time and is ideal for home users. One key to Chrome OS is haek. Capture data when sent between the browser chrome and cloud Johansen says hackers have until now mainly targets the information contained on the hard disk of the machine. "I received your online bank account or profile with your FaceBook or email, as it is loaded in the browser. He said: "if I can kill some kinds of Web applications to access the data, and then I couldn't care less what is on your hard disk. Johansen declined to identify the application that contains the error security. He and colleague Kyle Osborn held back information for a presentation at Black Hat. Hacking Conference,
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